Research Infrastructures (RIs) play a key role on many of the last advances and discoveries in science, from the observation of the Higgs Boson at CERN to the exploration of the Universe by the telescopes of the European Southern Observatory in Chile. The scale of complexity, instrumentation, computing resources, technological advances, and also of the investments and the research collaborations required, do not have precedents in science. RIs in environmental field are developing fast, but the corresponding communities still need to embrace them in order to wide collaborations, since the challenges to tackle are in essence of global nature.
COOP+ (Cooperation of Research Infrastructures to address global challenges in the environmental field) is an Horizon 2020 project (CSA, Project Number 654131) whose general goal is to strengthen the links and coordination of the European RIs related to Marine Science (EMSO), Arctic and Atmospheric Research (EISCAT), Carbon Observation (ICOS) and Biodiversity (LifeWatch) with international counterparts (NEON, TERN, AMISR/SRI, CGSM, OOI, INPA/LBA, IMOS, OCN, AMERIFLUX, etc.) and to leverage international scientific cooperation and data exchange with non-EU countries.
Subscription for FIERI: FORUM on International Cooperation among EnvironmentalResearch Infrastructures
Environmental research infrastructures are the key elements to monitor the dynamics of our planet over longer time scales. Challenges resulting from climate change, biodiversity loss, exceeding carbon emissions, and natural or anthropogenic hazards can only be fully assessed by crossing borders between scientific disciplines and nations. The global nature of the challenges, the scale, and complexity of the required resources, and the development of information and communication technology require the development of a broad international collaboration in research and knowledge sharing.
Research Infrastructures (RIs) are designed to offer research services for wide user groups. From the scientific information that is derived from the individual research infrastructures, a knowledge base has to be developed that forms the base for a holistic study of the Earth System.
The Forum for International cooperation among Environmental Research Infrastructures (FIERI) is meant to facilitate communication and global cooperation across environmental disciplines.
FIERI will:
review the environmental RI landscape for joint strategic opportunities to leverage strengths, address gaps, and share resources;
be aware and proactively contribute to the main RI worldwide policies (e.g., policy from GSO G8 and from OECD, ESFRI, etc.), initiatives and trends;
share knowledge and best practices for research infrastructure management, technology, and science;
stimulate coordinated funding from different countries/participants to strengthen international cooperation among RIs.
The undersigned representatives of environmental research infrastructures indicate their intent to join FIERI.
FORUM on International Cooperation among Environmental Research Infrastructures (RIs) (Brussels, 19 November, 2018)
For the present environmental global research panorama, it becomes essential to make research infrastructures more and more interconnected in order to enhance efficiency in addressing global challenges.
The project COOP+, funded by the European Commission within HORIZON 2020 programme, has been working to strengthen the links among the ESFRI Research Infrastructures related to marine sciences, Arctic research and biodiversity with some International counterparts for leveraging international scientific cooperation.
This Forum is promoted by COOP+ project with the following purposes:
• present status of the international cooperation for environmental RIs, based on project results as well as on the main outcomes of ICRI Conference (which will take place in Wien, September 2018)
• analyse the critical issues that still have to be dealt with to make the international cooperation among research infrastructures fruitful, efficient and long-lasting at global level agree on future activities.
• enhance the international cooperation of environmental RIs also in the light of the present and future Research Programmes (e.g. HORIZON EUROPE).
• launch an international board driving the international cooperation on the basis of a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for coordinating, developing, exploiting and enhancing interoperability of RIs
this Forum is meant to give the RIs a real opportunity to make a step ahead in the long-term planning of an international collaboration and to stimulate new cooperative initiatives.
A NEW draft Agenda is now available HERE
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The presentations are available here below:
02_Ales Fiala – coop+ forum 19 Nov 2018
07_HelenGlaves_Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP)20181118 FINAL
12_Diarmuid OConchubhair_EuroArgo_ERIC
13_BERANZOLI_Forum presentation_ToR_vNov17
Conference on the Research Infrastructures and the Paris Agreement on climate
The Paris Agreement on Climate sets the international objective to keep climate warming well below two degrees, and « to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible … and to undertake rapid reductions thereafter in accordance with best available science…to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century ». This herculean challenge will require to transform current research infrastructures to monitor progress towards this goal.
Key policy-relevant challenges posed to current research infrastructure to monitor the effectiveness of policy decisions from the Paris Agreement on Climate are 1) the quantification of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions using atmospheric observations and models, 2) provide robust observations of changes in carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions over the oceans, and from natural and cultivated systems, 3) provide science-based evidence on the resilience of marine and terrestrial ecosystems to climate change and adaptation strategies, the latter including not greenhouse gas balance related functions but also other ecoystem services, such as biodiversity and water conservation.
Addressing these global challenges will require international collaboration between research infrastructures in different regions, efficient data sharing and cooperation mechanisms. The conference organized by COOP+ in Belgium (20-21 November 2018) will gather relevant research infrastructures in Europe and other countries, research and policy communities to identify gaps and needs for research infrastructures to deliver the best available science in support of the Paris Agreement on Climate.
Dates: 20-21 November 2018
Venue: German Marine Research Consortium
Boulevard St. Michel 80 (Brussels, Belgium)
Download the flyer (pdf) flyer_coop+_programme
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