During the time span of COOP+ (March 2016 to July 2018), we will address several important questions regarding RIs:

  • What could be the contribution of international RIs to address cross-disciplinary global challenges like modelling the global carbon cycle?
  • Is it feasible to integrate the knowledge gathered in Arctic research with marine science outputs into comprehensive global models?
  • What collaboration approaches could be implemented to foster the cooperation among RIs?
  • What is the role of local observatories (bottom-up) in this cooperation framework?

The project structure consists on six work packages (WP), described below:

The general objective of WP1 is to analyse how to address cross-disciplinary Global challenges in environmental sciences by joining the data and know-how resources of international Research Infrastructures in collaboration. This objective requires also exploring the complementarities of top-down and ...
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This work package will define the basis for an open coordination framework for Global Cooperation, with participation from relevant RIs from EU, US, Canada, Australia and Brazil, providing support to new agreements on reciprocal use or access to RI, openness, ...
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The goal of this WP is to create a dissemination strategy that positions COOP+ initiative, involving RIs in collaboration at international level, as a clear and relevant reference to the main stakeholders. The list of stakeholders starts with the corresponding ...
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The objectives of the WP4 are: to assure the efficient knowledge transfer and the communication of the best practices among RI managers, technical personnel and Research Infrastructures’ user communities; to exploit the best RIs service solutions (e.g. technological solutions or ...
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WP5 aims to facilitate the use of existing platforms, portals and frameworks for global distribution of data and dataservices for environmental research infrastructures (following commonly denoted platforms), with a special focus on the GEOSS Common infrastructure and leveraging existing initiatives ...
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WP6 will be based in a “live and engaging” structure, exploiting the possibilities of distributed collaboration. The Steering Committee includes the Project Coordinator, as well as the task leaders and deputies of the other five WP. To assure a regular ...
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