WP6 will be based in a “live and engaging” structure, exploiting the possibilities of distributed collaboration. The Steering Committee includes the Project Coordinator, as well as the task leaders and deputies of the other five WP. To assure a regular follow-up, bi-weekly meetings will be organized. The Project Coordinator, and the Steering Committee, will be supported by a Project Office, integrated by personnel with qualification on EU admin issues and by personnel with experience in international research collaborations in the areas involved. As a contribution to the goal of the management activities, i.e. to guarantee a smooth progress of the project, the Project Office will take care of the required activities at administrative level, including organizational issues, distribution of funding and tracking of resources, submission of deliverables, and basic quality assurance of the project as such. The Project Office will also take care of the organization of meetings and follow-up of general logistic actions involved (like pre-reserving sessions at EGU, etc).
The second relevant board is the Collaboration Assembly, where all partners are represented. Organization, chairing, and reporting on Collaboration Assembly meetings is also part of the management activities. The COOP+OPEN BOARD will be mainly handled through WP2, and the Project Office will assist only as required on administrative or logistic issues. The management activities also include the setup of the COOP+ADVISORY BOARD, organization of meetings and support to its activities. The project management will also take care of the interlocution with EC authorities through the Project Coordinator.
Regarding Communication Activities, two levels of communication activities within COOP+ are planned: internal communication within COOP+ consortium of RI, including EU counterparts, and the communication towards external audience. The objective regarding internal communication is to assure that all the partners know each other, know the COOP+ project, get engaged with it, and assuring that a plan is made to provide the best possible level of internal communication along its full lifetime. Obvious synergies with WP2 will be exploited, but it must be made clear that this internal communication effort must be explicitly planned and resources assigned to make it effective and assure its impact. The other important specific objective on communication is to spread information about the project aims, activities and results and about RIs global services, to external audiences, ranging from those in the research field to general public.